stud100-male-delay-spray stud100-male-delay-spray stud100-male-delay-spray stud100-male-delay-spray

Stud100 - Male Delay Spray


Key Features: 

  • Helps delay ejaculation
  • Reduces penis sensitivity 
  • Helps prolong sexual activity 
  • Easy to use 

Stud 100 Delay Spray has been on the market for over 30 years!

This tried and true product is for those dealing with premature ejaculation or are just looking to last a little longer.

The Stud 100 Delay Spray works by temporarily reducing the penis’ sensitivity with a small percentage of lidocaine. By desensitizing the penis, you don't feel as much stimulation, allowing you to delay ejaculation.

Easy to use, simply spray it on the shaft and head of the penis anywhere between 3-8 times (we suggest starting off at 3 and working your way up if needed ). Allow it to absorb into the skin for at least 5-15 minutes before sex. We also recommend putting Stud 100 on while you have an erection as it may be difficult to get one afterwards.

STUD 100 does not give an erection, it helps maintain one!

**Stud 100 features 9.6% lidocaine. This is on the higher side of desensitizing percentage, so if you are looking for something for a more recreational use, look for a product with around 5-7% of desensitizing agent.**

*Do not exceed 10 sprays in one application, or 24 sprays in a 24-hour period*